Автор: Bakulina N. V., Yakovleva O. M.

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Bakulina N. V., Yakovleva O. M. Ivryt : pidruchnyk dlya 4 klasu zakladiv zahalʹnoyi serednʹoyi osvity. Chernivtsi : Bukrek, 2021. 128 s : il.


The content of the textbook "Hebrew" for grade 4 of general secondary education institutions complies with the current regulatory documents - the State Standard of Primary Education (as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 24, 2019 No. 688), the Concept of the New Ukrainian School (2016) and the curriculum "Language of Hebrew and reading for UOSO with the Ukrainian language of instruction (grades 3-4) "(N. V. Bakulina, I. Yu. Falesa) (2019). In 2020/2021 the textbook manuscript has successfully passed the textbook competition and received the stamp “Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (order of 16.01.2021 No. 53). This textbook complies with the State Sanitary Norms and Rules "Hygienic Requirements for Printed Products for Children." The volume of the textbook content is adequately correlated with the number of teaching hours recommended by the basic curriculum and curriculum. The content of the textbook is based on personal and competence-oriented approaches to learning, the principles of child- and text-centrism and is a logical continuation of the content mastered in grade 3. Also, work with this textbook contributes to the implementation of an integrative approach to learning, because it allows for both intra-subject and inter-subject integration of the content of training. It is also optimal for a holistic and systemic deployment of educational material, taking into account its necessity and sufficiency for the achievement of the expected results by the applicants for education, determined by the curriculum in the subject. The structure of the textbook contains a preface, 12 sections that allow you to master the program material on the Hebrew language, a separate section on literary reading and content. Each section is accompanied by a thematic dictionary. On the flyleaf there are memos for the implementation of various types of speech activity. Educational and auxiliary texts were created by the authors taking into account the principles of scientific character, accessibility, systematicity, consistency and consistency of presentation of educational information. The content of educational texts is based on the studied material, and new unfamiliar material does not exceed 15% of the total content, contributes to the development of forecasting and guessing skills. At the same time, the textbook contains educational material for repeated repetition and its application in new conditions. Scientific concepts are presented accurately and clearly in accordance with the age-specific psychological characteristics of students and the level of formation of the communicative competence of other studied languages, in particular Ukrainian and foreign. The texts of the assignments are submitted in both Ukrainian and Hebrew. This also contributes to the organization of multilingual education. The orientation system in the textbook contains familiar and understandable symbols for students, font and color highlighting, diagrams and tables, picture dictionaries, "chats" for carrying out various types of communication activities (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and assimilating language knowledge, performing exercises and assignments of various types, organization of both independent educational activities and pair and group work. So, for each topic, propaedeutic, introductory, training exercises have been developed, as well as tasks of a creative, play and problem-search nature, including those with a logical load, aimed at mastering by students the techniques of mental activity - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, differentiation, which allows for individual and differentiated approaches to learning in accordance with the individual abilities and cognitive capabilities of students. A variety of exercises and assignments available in the textbook, developed taking into account the principles of partnership pedagogy, provide for: cooperation, co-creation between students and teachers; critical understanding of the situation; situations and questions for educational dialogue; situations of choice and responsibility; creative application of acquired skills in real life. Individual exercises prepare students to read inconsistent Hebrew texts. Mastering the content of the textbook contributes to the formation of intercultural and cultural competence of students, a better understanding of the interpenetration and mutual influence of the languages and cultures of the Jewish and Ukrainian peoples. For literary reading, the textbook presents authors of literary works who are famous classics of modern Israeli children's literature and were born in Ukraine. Also, the material of the textbook introduces children to the modern life of Israeli peers and informative information about the cultural Jewish heritage. The educational material, tasks and illustrations presented in the textbook activate the emotional processes of students, empathy, reflection, increase the motivation for learning the Hebrew language. Illustrative material serves as both an independent and additional source of information. The developed design space for this textbook contributes to the integrated development of students' cognitive processes, emotional intelligence and aesthetic taste.

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